
Facepaint Blog

Browse through hundreds of face painting designs - there's something for everyone! Updated weekly with the newest trends in mind.

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Not every white seems to be perfect for every job. Some are good for line work others are better for blending - let's find out what is the best white for you! sells dozens of different brands black face paint, so which one should you to choose for your kit? This blog will definitely help you decide...
In this quick tutorial, face paint artist Marina, shows us how to remove tough face paint stains, and it's actually easier than you'd think!

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A classic skull that works perfect for all kids, and not just for halloween! It can be done very quickly but still gives the child that wow factor.
If you want a cool and colourful design for Halloween this Comic Zombie will make you pop! It doesn't take long to do and the older kids and teenagers loves it! This cartoon zombie has a great comic book look and will definitely not be forgotten at the Halloween disco!

With the promise of a new Dragon Ball movie coming up this year, and the current Dragon theme, it was about time to come up with a special Shenron design usingthe seven Dragon Balls and some Japanese Kanji looking characters.

This is a fast, easy sports design without a logo, which can be used for any team and any sport.

With the promise of a new Dragon Ball movie coming up this year, it is about time to renew our designs. In this tutorial we will start with a colorful and child-friendly Piccolo mask.

This Pikachu design is quick and easy to do. Here the use of the stencil helps a lot to give that "extra touch" and wow effect.
Anime might be one of the most difficult face painting designs you'll ever receive a request for, so it's a good idea to have at least one or two of them ready in your repertoire. 

This Face Paint design is a great option for Hotel Transylvania fans who love Blobby! 

Skulls are always a favorite... especially among boys! Why not put a fun patriotic twist on your skull this Fourth of July!? 
In this tutorial I will show you how to paint an easy, on-the-job, 'Blue' dinosaur mask using mainly a one-stroke and stencils to give it a quick 3D look.
With the new Jurassic World movie being released, I wanted to create a super cool eye design with some added effects to create that wow-factor. 
This design captures the look of Blue’s distinctive markings. This will be a quick, yet fun and unique design for your summer events.