
February Instagram Winner: Anastacia - Feline Theme

Congratulations to our February Instagram winner, Anastacia! For the month of February, the theme was "Felines" and Anastacia was the lucky winner of a $50 gift certificate to We hope you've treated yourself to some new paints!

February Instagram Winner

Anastacia Q&A

1. How long have you been face painting for?
"About 2 years, but I've been interested in this kind of art for a long time, maybe 6 years, but I thought that I can't do it, that my painting skills are not so good for it."

2. What inspired you to start face painting?
"One day I just decided to try. And it worked. I don't know, I think that my feelings were my inspiration."

3. Do you have a favorite brand that you always use?
"I use different brands, TAG, Mehron, Nyx and so on. And also I can use different kind of improvised materials :)"

4. Do you face paint professionally or as a hobby?
"It's my hobby, just an expression of my inside world."

5. Did you study in school or are you a self taught artist?
"I studied at design school for 1 year, but it's not enough for good painting skills, so I can say that mostly I am a self-taught artist."

6. What is your favorite design to face paint?
"It's so difficult to choose. I like pictures of some scenes. Or some strange designs."

7. Have you won any awards/competitions? If so, please share with us :)
"Yes, I won competition of FaraWowColors(it's Russian colors for hair) and Nyx competition devoted FIFA 2018. And at :)"

8. What is your favorite design that you've ever painted? (please share pic if possible)

Instagram Winner
"It's my Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here" album cover creation. 
And Cheshire Cat design that I won the contest with :)"

9. Do you have a website/social media related to face painting that you'd like to share with us? 
"Yes, my Instagram account @rakel_meller"

10. Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? (a little introductory, fun facts, etc...)
"I'd like to advise all : don't be afraid and try to do what you really want to do :)"