
Facepaint Blog

Browse through hundreds of face painting designs - there's something for everyone! Updated weekly with the newest trends in mind.

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Not every white seems to be perfect for every job. Some are good for line work others are better for blending - let's find out what is the best white for you! sells dozens of different brands black face paint, so which one should you to choose for your kit? This blog will definitely help you decide...
In this quick tutorial, face paint artist Marina, shows us how to remove tough face paint stains, and it's actually easier than you'd think!

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If you have spent anytime browsing our site you may have noticed some of the other types of makeup such as the prosthetic appliances and perhaps wondered how could that [..]

Learn how to face paint Iron Man with these easy to follow step-by-step tutorials! Iron Man is one of the most beloved Avengers, and kids line up to get this design!

Cosplaying is the adult version of dress-up. Only instead of donning our mothers cast downs and traipsing around in heeled shoes a million times too big for us [..]
Having raised 4 children, three of whom are girls, I have truly come to appreciate the importance of fairy tale characters, especially that of the princess. So with the aide of my two aspiring artists and youngest of the clan, we present the Mermaid Princess makeup.
I’d like to give a shout out to my fairy friends out there. fairies rock. You know who you are. Fairies come out in the summer a lot, [..]
Superheros are popular, they may have started out with comic books, but since then they have expanded into cartoons, movies, and even TV shows. Check out this young joker face paint tutorial!
With all the face paint designs we have featured it seems we may have overlooked ideas for the guys. Here is a classic look that is not too difficult and only uses a couple of face paint colors.
Doing a full face paint mask on any child can take a while, this idea by Cosmic Face Paint is a great solution for the child with limited patience. A half face mask.
Looking for a quick and effective on the job Spiderman face paint design? Look no further than this Spiderman face paint tutorial!
When working with children, they always want what they know and what is popular. These days one of the most popular games played by children and adults is Angry Birds!
Check out this mermaid face paint tutorial that's great for kids and adults alike! Follow the steps and create your own version!
A clown is probably one of the easiest full face makeups to do because you can’t go wrong. Anything goes with a clown. When it comes to children, you should make it bright and happy, like this beautiful little girl.