

Scroll down for your pastels - blues, greens, pinks and lilacs to paint up bunnies and eggs for Easter.

“He is Risen!” Easter Design by Pam Kinneberg

“He is Risen!” Easter Design by Pam Kinneberg

Cute Easter Bunny Design by Natalia Malley

Cute Easter Bunny Design by Natalia Malley

Easter Bunny Design by Marina

Easter Bunny Design by Marina


Superstar Face Paint - Ziva Shimmer 220 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Cotton Candy Shimmer 305 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Poison Green 210 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Purple Shimmer 237 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Purple Rain 238 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Bubblegum Pink 105 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Baby Pink Shimmer 062 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - La-laland Purple 237 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Minty 215 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Lavender Shimmer 138 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Golden Green Shimmer 129 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Baby Blue Shimmer 063 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Pastel Blue 116 $54.00 - $56.00
Superstar Face Paint - Imperial Purple 338 $54.00 - $70.00
Superstar Biodegradable Glitter - Fine Rose Pink (6 ml) $46.00
Superstar Biodegradable Glitter - Chunky Sky Blue (6 ml) $45.00
Superstar Face Paint - Magic Blue 216 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Face Paint - Flash Green 142 $54.00 - $80.00
Superstar Biodegradable Glitter - Fine Turquoise (6 ml) $45.00
Superstar Face Paint - London Sky Blue Shimmer 213 $54.00 - $80.00