
Easy Fish Face Paint Design Tutorial Video by Kiki


Step-By-Step Instructions

Step 1: Use a medium brush and create outline of a fish from the lips to the outer cheek in white face paint. Continue with white and outline tail and fins with white face paint and a medium brush.

Step 2: With a medium brush, add yellow face paint around edges of the mouth and add stripes in the body of the fish. Add yellow face paint to the bottom fin.

Step 3: Use a medium brush and sea blue face paint, add stripes and color in the tail fins.

Step 4: Use small brush add fish eye with white face paint. Then add a black dot in the eye. Then add red face paint on the lips. Add opal glitter. Use a small brush and use dark blue face paint and light green face paint to make waves below the fish.

Products Used in the Video

Amerikan Body Art Glitter - Holographic White (Sheer)
Ruby Red White 100 Face Paint
Ruby Red Black 150 Face Paints
Ruby Red Yellow 350 Face Paints
Ruby Red Blue Face Paints - Pastel Blue 410
Ruby Red Blue Face Paints - Ultramarine 470
Ruby Red Pastel Green 510 Face Paint
Ruby Red Red Face Paint Refills - Pearl Red P251

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