
Gore Monthly Challenge

Our Gore Face Paint Design Contest was a big success! We got entries utilizing various techniques, styles, and themes. But, among the 43 gory entries, one entry caught our judge's eye. Let's meet our winner... Mellow Friesen.

The Winning Gore Picture

Mellow's gore entry would really creep you out. Look out how the model fixing her lipstick while having bloody open slash wound on her face! Perfect for a Halloween party. 

According to Mellow, "This piece was part of a group costume theme of dead soldiers or Army of the dead(before game of thrones ;) ) I had decided to do a half glamour, half gore piece that was paired with sequined sultry army girl outfit.  Turned out fantastic!

On this piece, I used a variety of MAC, Kryolin and Blanche MacDonald  brushes and Make up specifically for the Glamour half.  On the gore half I used Ben Nye F/X Cream color.  Specifically their nose and scar wax, spirit gum, death wheel, burn pallet and stage blood.  I also used Holly North liquid latex and blood as well as oat meal and crushed corn flakes to create the burned bubbly peeling skin effect."

About the Artist


Mellow has been face painting for 3 1/2 years and been doing makeup for many years. But, even with that many years of experience, she still considers her craft a "paid hobby" as she enjoys it. 

Here are some of her other works...