
Tutorial: Glam Reindeer Design

Follow along with this tutorial to create this glam reindeer face paint design that's perfect for the holidays!






Begin with the coverage of your eyebrows. Comb your brows in the direction of their hair growth. Coat them in a layer of body powder. Now apply a layer of glue. Apply powder again until it is not sticky anymore (repeat 2-3 times until your brows are blended in and the surface feel smooth, last coat must be powder)….no it doesn’t look pretty but it is a necessary step in order to apply full glitter coverage…

Then apply a very light even coat of Petroleum jelly..

With creamy white facepaint and a round brush #1 roughly draft how your design is going to look and where it will be placed. I found a cute antler headband so I decided to let my face design “grow” into the “real” antlers. You can also draw cute little antlers on your forehead or just adapt the roots of the antlers to your own headband.

The paint will not easily adhere on top of the Petroleum Jelly but it helps you later to apply the glitter packed and stay flexible while you’re wearing it. Of course you could apply the glitter to wet paint only but it will not stay on safe all evening.img_3526

Then you go ahead and paint on dark eyebrows with a Round brush #4 and Wolfe facepaint Skinz Ebony.

Use pros-Aide (on the painted eyebrows only) and q-tips or an old brush to apply the chocolate-brown Glimmer Glitter on the eyebrows as precise and packed as you can. The pros-aide will help thin glitter areas to be more precise.


Then I used NYX liquid crystal eyeliner (Glitter EyeLiner), make sure this eyeliner does not go into your eye, it burns like hell and yes I am talking from experience….I used glitter eyeliner because it matches the sparkle theme perfectly and it dries quick and will not smear, sometimes it gets tricky to paint liner with facepaint and try to cover it precisely with glitter.


Now let the glitter fun begin.


Start with the inside of the ears to get familiar with the technique. Pour a tiny bit pink glitter in your shallow container and a bit more silver glitter on the other side (still; a little bit goes a long way with glitter). Now load a round #4 brush with silver facepaint and shape your reindeers inner ear. You basically use the paint to give a basic coverage, shading is not necessary because it will not show thru the glitter. Then you take one of the makeup Applicators and dip it into glitter and start to pack on silver glitter around the edges as precisely as possible, then over the entire silver field and start to shade with pink glitter where wanted. You start to mix the glitters in the container and on the skin as you go. Once you have done your reindeers’ inner ears you are familiar with the technique and basically start to fill in your reindeer with paint and glitter as you go, always glitter up right behind paint, never do more than one square inch in once. Start on top and work your way down. The dark brown of the reindeer is Glimmer Copper, only the brows and the lips are chocolate brown. You can use black instead of chocolate-brown but I preferred the dark purplish brown for brows and lips because it makes the design softer, more feminine.


You finish the design with outlining very fine with a round brush #1 and Wolfe black.

Now you can play with any fun false lashes, this step is completely up to you.

It will stay flexible a night and not crumble off like facepaint, you will not sweat more or less than under any thin layer of Vaseline and it will not itch (and actually will go off relatively easy). The only activities I would not commend wearing this design is drinking out of glasses without a straw and kissing under the mistletoe; You might want to replace the chocolate-brown glitter lips with black lipstick and kiss-proof gloss.

If you don’t like to be Rudolph, or Christmas is already over, why not being one of the other reindeers? Turn the nose into either bright gold or sassy black, even cute pink or purple (what are you wearing?). Or you may would like to wear it in Partner Look on your New Year’s Eve party, “Rudolph and Dancer” or “Donner and Blitzen”?

Have fun with it and may you have a happy and prosperous 2017!
